Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Director of Hutchins Center for African & African American Research & Alphonse Fletcher University Professor, Harvard University:
"Precious Rasheeda Muhammad is a first-rate scholar who has quickly established herself as an authority on the history of Islam in America, especially with regard to the African American community. At Harvard, she worked tirelessly with the Department of African and African American Studies and the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research to organize film series, exhibitions, and conferences on American Islam. A researcher who recovered a major autobiographical text and a natural teacher, Precious Muhammad is a rising star in a field which will only grow more important in the 21st century."
This 20-panel exhibit—researched and completed for the Department of State—includes the pioneering engagement of some of the key founding fathers before they became Presidents of the United States of America; hence the start date of 1776 instead of 1789 when the first president took office.
Precious contributed to this 2014 edition of the US Department of State publication about American Muslims: her research informed the "Islam and the United States" section (pp.12-17) & she wrote the section "Living Islam in America" (pp.48-53).
The preeminent Publishers Weekly, “widely recognized as the [publishing] industry’s publication of record,” describes Precious’s chapter, “To Be Young, Gifted, Black, American, Muslim, And Woman,” in the book Living Islam Out Loud: American Muslim Women Speak, as one of the “best” and “most absorbing essays” … in an anthology that “opens the door for other writers to explore the important and understudied topic of Muslim American women.”